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This set of tables is intended to facilitate teaching and learning of Statistics courses in matriculation
programmes, colleges and universities. It is specially tailored for students of science, engineering and
technology pursuing studies at certificates, diploma and degree levels.
The binomial, Poisson, normal, t, chi-squared and F distributions have been fully tabulated using the
R-language. All the values in these tables are presented to four decimal places, except for F distribution
with the aim to improve the precision of answers. Beside the distributions, this list covers other statistical
formulae including descriptive statistics, probability mass function (binomial, Poisson, hypergeometric,
geometric and negative binomial distributions), probability density function (normal, t, chi-squared and F
distributions) and inferential statistics. The statistical formulae also consist of formulae for ANOVA,
regression and goodness of fit test.
We hope that users will be able to fully utilise these statistical tables.