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The main idea of this book revolves around the knowledge regarding all types
of surface finishing techniques. It consists of the details of various types of
surface finishing techniques and their explanations. This book is the
compilation of several surface finish methods available in the manufacturing
process. The subject title is chosen to be Surface Finishing in Manufacturing
Process concerning the surface finishing techniques to highlight the
importance of implementing proper surface finishing in manufacturing
productions. Improvements on manufacturing products quality due to correct
implementations of surface finishing technique is one of the main motivations
in compiling the book. The book covers the importance of implementing
surface finishing techniques in manufacturing, suitability of each surface
finishing base on products materials and designs as well as the limitations of
existing surface finishing techniques. This book is intended to educate young
engineers about the ways to perfect the product designs. While writing the
books, the team of researchers went through very carefully every journal and
the works of scholars regarding the topic. The journey of writing this book is
full of joy and excitement. Through task distributions among the researchers,
a fund of information is gathered, analysed and compiled in this book. It is
hard to collect every piece of information as the field is large. This book is
unique in nature and suitable for readers ranging from beginners to the expert
in the field of machining and manufacturing. The book was completed in June
2017 spending a long time of one month. Readers may find this book useful if
they seek for some information for surface finishing processes.