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International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering is published two times in a year, which is January-June and July December. Since published in 2008, it has 8 volumes in a row. In 2012, it has been indexed officially by SCOPUS. Before this, IJAME got indexed in other database journal like Copernicus, DOAJ, Google Scholar, MyCite, and so on. The journal aims to provide for high quality research related to automotive mechanical research. Areas cover in the journal is engine/emission technology, automobile body and safety vehicle dynamics automotive electronics, alternative energy,energy conversion, fuels and lubricants, combustion and reacting flows, new and renewable energy technologies, automotive electrical systems, automotive materials, automotive transmission, automotive pollution and control vehicle maintenance, intelligent vehicle/transportation systems, fuel cell, hybrid, electrical vehicle and other fields of automotive engineering, engineering management /TQM, heat and mass transfer, fluid and thermal engineering, cae/fea/cad/cfd, engineering mechanics, modelling and simulation, metallurgy/ materials engineering, applied mechanics, thermodynamics, agricultural machinery and equipment, mechatronics, automatic control, multidisciplinary design and optimization fluid mechanics and dynamics, thermal-fluids machinery, experimental and computational mechanics , measurement and instrumentation, HVAC, manufacturing systems and so on.
Chapter 01 : Experimental Investigation On Cold Start Emissions Using Electrically Heated Catalyst In A Spark Ignition Engine |
Chapter 02 : Strenght Evaluation in Turbo Machinery Blade Disk Assembly at Constant Speed |
Chapter 03 : Simulation of Mixed Convective Heat Transfer using Lattice Boltzman Method |
Chapter 04 : Efffect of Oxygenated Hydrocarbon Addictives on Exhaust Emission of a Diesel Engine |
Chapter 05 : Combustion Analysis of a CNG Direct Injection Spark Ignition Engine |
Chapter 06 : Motion Modeling using Motion Concepts of Fuzzy Artificail Potential Fields |
Chapter 07 : Investigation of Surface Properties in Manganese Powder Mixed Electrical Discharge Machining of OHNS And D2 Die Steels |
Chapter 08 : Improvement of Performance of Duel Fuel Engine Operated at Part Load |
Chapter 09 : Application of Genetic Algorithms for Robust Parameter Optimization |
Chapter 10 : A Method to Improve Reliability of Gearbox Fault Detection with Artificial Neural Networks |
Chapter 11 : Chemical Reaction Effects on Flow Past an Exponentially Accelerated Vertical Plate with Variable Temperature |