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This module is developed in support of the BMM3611 Manufacturing Processes Laboratory.
The laboratory provides hands-on experience for students to learn about manufacturing
processes with emphasized on safety, knowledge on material processing application as well as
material engineering. The course outcomes of this subject are;
CO1: To perform polymer processing using injection molding with standard operation
CO2: To perform sand casting using casting equipment with standard operation procedure
CO3: To perform sheet metal forming using sheet metal equipment with standard operation
CO4: To perform CNC machining using CNC machine with standard operation procedure
CO5: To perform welding using welding equipment with standard operation procedure
This module provides comprehensive explanation on various manufacturing processes, lab
sheet, work instruction, assignments and report guidelines. It consists of five laboratories
includes Welding, CNC machining, casting, injection molding, and forming processes.
Each lab sheet is organized in roughly the same way. First, there are explanations about
manufacturing process that student needs to understand before carry on fabrication or
experiment works. The second is work instruction of how fabrication and experiment needs to
be carrying out. All safety requirements also are explained in almost lab sheet. The third is
question or assignment that needs to be completed by all students. All students are compulsory
to submit report one week after finish each laboratory works.