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Malaysias experience in facing various natural and manmade disasters
over the decades has transformed the way we deal with such situations
both strategically and operationally.
The strategic and operational transformation also applies to flood
management in Malaysia, the most notable being the establishment of the
National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA) by the Government of
Malaysia in 2015. In that regard, UMP is also committed to sharing its
technical expertise in any way that is significant in supporting the national
policy on flood risk management that requires effective, economical,
sustainable, and consistent management of flood risk to people, properties,
and communities. All these would not be possible without a proper and
thorough literature review on historical data of natural disasters in
Through extensive research on historical data and statistical analysis by
UMPs team from the Faculty of Civil Engineering & Earth Resources,
this book illustrates the statistical data of disaster occurrence in
Malaysia which is significant for both academic and technical
reference. It is my hope that this publication will inspire many to play
an equally important role in the follow up of researching every aspect of
disasters in Malaysia, an effort that requires consistent patience and
passion by all concerned.