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Physical Chemistry is one of the branches in Chemistry that deals with the relationships between
physical properties of substances and their chemical composition and transformations. This
module is designed for chemical engineering undergraduate students to provide fundamental
knowledge related to thermodynamic, mixture of properties, chemical equilibrium, kinetic and
solid surface. This module is constructed in a simple way so that students will find it easy to
understand and learn. Several worked examples are included to enhance the understanding in
physical chemistry principle. Each chapter also includes mind mapping, several practice
problems with answers given at the end of the chapter, and assignment at the end of module,
which would facilitate students understanding.
The aims of the Physical Chemistry module are
· Introduce Physical Chemistry;
· Familiarise with the zeroth, first and second laws of thermodynamics;
· Familiarise with the concepts of enthalpy and entropy;
· Apply the concept of Gibbs free energy;
· Apply thermodynamic concepts to understand the properties of mixtures and solution phase
· Define the terms and determine the enthalpy and entropy change associated with a reaction
and spontaneity of a reaction;
· Determine the Gibbs energy change associated with a reaction;
· Explain and apply the concept of thermodynamic equilibrium;
· Apply the concept of kinetics in the reaction;
· Understanding concept of solid surface of materials;
· Understanding function of heterogeneous catalyst.