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Mathematical Formulae intends to provide students, scientists,
engineers, and researchers with a readily available reference to the
mathematical formulae needed during their studies or work situation.
It is a handy book that one must have on the bookshelf. The text
is divided, for ease of reference, into ten main chapters embracing
algebra, trigonometry, limit, differentiation and integration, vector
calculus, coordinate geometry, differential equations, numerical
methods, discrete mathematics, and financial mathematics.
Essential theory, formulae, definitions and laws are clearly stated
in this book. This collection of formulas constitutes a compilation
of mathematics for Engineering and Sciences. In addition, people
who often deal with practical or applied problems will also find this
collection an efficient and easy-to-use work of reference. The present
book arose as a result of many years of teaching experience of
various faculties in Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) which are
Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Civil Engineering & Earth
Resources, Computer Systems & Software Engineering, Electrical &
Electronics Engineering, Industrial Sciences & Technology,
Manufacturing Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering
Technology and Industrial Management. The text assumes little
previous knowledge and is suitable for a wide range of courses in UMP.
Finally, we would also like to emphasize that remarks and criticism are
always welcome