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this is one of the three manuals specially written to address the problem of
English proficiency among the lecturers of private colleges and universities in this country. This
cause of concern was initiated by Pembangunan Sumber Manusis Berhad (PSMB) and the
challenge to write a relevant manual was undertaken by the lecturers of Pusat Bahasa Moden dan
Sains Kemanusian (PBMSK) of Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Chapter 1 : Diffrentiating Betwwen Formal and Informal Language |
Chapter 2 : Interpreting and Analyzing Information for Effective Communication |
Chapter 3 : Using Culturally Acceptable Language |
Chapter 4 : Using Appropriate Language Expressions in Different Context |
Chapter 5 : Understand and Use Figurative Language |
Chapter 6 : Developing Passion and Appreciation for the Language |