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This module is to introduce students to chemical engineering and
its role as a profession in addressing contemporary technological,
social, ethical and economical issues in todays world. The topics will
include examples of how chemical engineers apply the principles of
physics, chemistry and biology to develop new products, improve
process efficiencies, and alleviate the strain on the ecosystem through
the design of novel environmentally conscious process. In addition,
the topics will highlight exciting new areas that being advanced
now by chemical engineers, such as biochemical engineering,
tissue engineering, nanoparticle fabrication, and processing smart
polymers for applications in computer technology and as sensors.
Chapter 01 : Introduction of Engineers and Society |
Chapter 02 : Engineering Background |
Chapter 03 : Engineering As a Profession |
Chapter 04 : Engineering Ethics |
Chapter 05 : Engineering Communications |
Chapter 06 : Engineering Management |
Chapter 07 : Engineering of Contributions |
Chapter 08 : Towards a Philosophy in Engineering |
Chapter 09 : Sociological Insights |
Chapter 10 : Innovation Process |