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Initially this text book on the 68000 Microprocessor is written as a pedagogical tool for
students taking a fundamental course in microprocessor. However, during the course of
writing, more and more materials were added to the text. Subsequently, enough materials
were included for students to use it a complete reference for classroom discussions and
project-based laboratory activities. Inadvertently, with a sufficiently large collection of
materials covering theoretical discussions with supporting examples, exercises and
references, this textbook can also be used as a supporting reference for those wanting to
design and develop a 68000 microprocessor-based system.
The original intent of this textbook is for students in the second or third year of a 4-year
Electrical Engineering program of study. As such, the text is written with sufficient
complexity and sophistication accorded to these students. Students are expected to be familiar
with the fundamental digital electronics and system topics and, to have some basic
knowledge of computer programming. However, this is not a prerequisite since most of these
fundamental are discussed in the text.
Chapter 01 : Introduction to Microprocessor |
Chapter 02 : Introduction to 68000 |
Chapter 03 : 68000 Instruction Sets |
Chapter 04 : Program Development |
Chapter 05 : Address Register |
Chapter 06 : Flow Control |
Chapter 07 : Subroutine |
Chapter 08 : Hardware of 68000 |
Chapter 09 : Memory & Simple I/O Interfacing |
Chapter 10 : Parallel Interfacing |
Chapter 11 : Serial Interface |