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Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences (JMES) is published two times in a year, which is January-June and July December. Since published in 2011, JMES has 5 volumes in a row and being indexed in DOAJ, EBSCOhost, Ulrichsweb, Index Copernicus, Directory of Research Journal Indexing, Cite Factor, Google Scholar, getCited, MyJurnal, Global Impact Factor and so on. JMES is an open access peer review journal which publishes original and review articles that advance the understanding of both the fundamentals of engineering science and its application to the solution of challenges and problems in mechanical engineering systems, machines and components. It is particularly concerned with the demonstration of engineering science solutions to specific industrial problems. The scopes aim in this journal are such computation and experimental mechanics, dynamics, vibration and sound, engineering materials and technology, fluids mechanics, structural modelling and design, manufacturing and industrial engineering, robotics and control, thermal and power engineering, fuels and energy, advanced materials, applied mechanics, tribology, biomechanical engineering, sports engineering, ergonomics, sustainable energies, fatigue and fracture mechanics, corrosion engineering, nanosciences and nanotechnology, materials processing techniques, optimization, FEM/CAE/BEM/FEA.
Chapter 01 : Experimental Study on Heat Transfer Coefficient and Friction Factor of Al2O3 Nanofluid in A Packed Bed Column |
Chapter 02 : Prediction of Surface Roughness of Ti-6Al-4V in Electrical Discharge Machining: A Regression Model |
Chapter 03 : A study on the Potential of Cost and Energy - A Survey At playford building, University of South Australia |
Chapter 04 : Finite Element Analysis of HASTELLOY C-22HS in End Milling |
Chapter 05 : Literature Review of Optimization Technique for Chatter Suppression in Machining |
Chapter 06 : Simulation Study of Cutting Tool System using Intelligent Active Force Control |
Chapter 07 : Aerodynamic Studies in the Static Components of A Centrifugal Compressor Stage |
Chapter 08 : Performance Evaluation of External Mixture Formation Strategy in Hydrogen Fueled Engine |
Chapter 09 : An Experimental Study on Heat Transfer and Friction Factor of Al2O3 Nanofluid |
Chapter 10 : Reduction of Oil Contamination on Hard Disk Drive Parts using Automatic Hydrocarbon Washing Machine |
Chapter 11 : Experimental Analysis of Heat And Mass Transfer In a Packed Bed |